Home Be Inspired Look at your numbers!

Look at your numbers!

by BNI New Zealand

Every successful entrepreneur, in fact person in business, knows that knowing their numbers is a key component to their success.  And, as both a member and as a chapter, in BNI we are fortunate to be supplied with some great data (numbers); to name just two, our PALMS Report and the Traffic Lights.

But, we have to be careful that we don’t become too ‘number’ led. What I mean is that thinking the PALMS Report and the Traffic Lights are the only things that matter. BNI is a people business and we must always remember that.

Now I’m not suggesting for one moment that a member’s PALMS Report and Traffic Light score shouldn’t be good; of course it should.  For one thing I believe that all members should be ‘Green’.  But, that’s not my point.

My point is that we shouldn’t just get caught up in the numbers; we must be careful that the numbers don’t become all-consuming.  The numbers should be the result of our actions.  In my opinion it’s far better to be in the green because you are a good member, than to be in the green because you are ‘encouraged’ to do the right things.  It’s a slight difference but, to my mind, a very important distinction.

In one of his books, Steve Jobs explains that he didn’t set out to be super-rich, he set out to change the world. He just got super-rich doing it.  And that’s what I think a BNI member should be like and encouraged to be like.  We should all want to be great members, because that’s how we benefit most from our membership.  And the result will be great PALMS data and ‘Green’ in the Traffic Lights.

So, what do you want to change that will make a difference to your BNI membership?  It might not have the same effect that Steve Jobs did, but you might just find it improves your numbers.

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