Inviting Visitors During Lockdown
This is an important topic to cover early on in lockdown while we are all meeting online. Realistically, especially in Auckland, we are looking at online BNI meetings for a minimum of 4 weeks of lockdown at level 4 or 3, so we need to take online seriously as a way of keeping the chapter together and moving it forward.
This is an important topic to cover early on in lockdown while we are all meeting online. Realistically, especially in Auckland, we are looking at online BNI meetings for a minimum of 4 weeks of lockdown at level 4 or 3, so we need to take online seriously as a way of keeping the chapter together and moving it forward.
Without a doubt, online meetings are far more vibrant, outward-looking, and “normal” when there are visitors. Pitching to visitors is always more on point than preaching to the same group week after week. And don’t doubt for a moment that visitors won’t attend, many, many people, not just businesspeople are now available from 7:00 to 8:30 every morning. They are looking for ways to use lockdown time valuably, to try something they have been meaning to, to do something different during a lockdown and it’s also a lot easier to attend, no travel, no parking, and from the comfort of their own home.
How do we know this? Because in countries where online meetings are the norm (still) not the exception, many of current members have NEVER been to a face-to-face meeting! This means their initial BNI meeting came by an invite to an online meeting. So not only will visitors come to online meetings, but they will also join. As a bonus, we will cover recent changes to the BNI Connect APP around visitors.

If not NOW, then when?
· We would all agree that visitors bring life to the BNI meeting. Energy, referrals, focus, they make us sit up and bring our “A” game.
· Right now, online, we need visitors to keep us looking out, not in and to bring new potential clients when we can’t get out to meet them in person.
· So, if we don’t invite visitors now, when we need them the most, when will we?
It’s easier than ever …
· Potential visitors are very likely to be at home during the lockdown. Yes, some may be essential workers or busier than ever but probably not during the meeting time.
· Potential visitors are now more likely to want to try something new to break lockdown boredom and because they have the time to try networking that they haven’t had before.
· Visiting has never been easier… no traffic, no parking, no fear or walking into a room of strangers.
It works!
· Overseas many BNI chapters have been online for over a year and a massive proportion of BNI Members have yet to attend a face-to-face meeting.
· That’s right, not only were they invited first to an online meeting, but they’ve also joined online and stayed online.
· So, be confident that visitors will come to an online meeting, after all, they are much more a norm than last year.
· Ask! Something like “Hey, getting bored at home and want to meet other businesspeople also stuck at home? I can invite you to my online networking group that meets at 7am on Wednesdays” (Insert your own correct time and day).
· You can get in touch by phone, Facebook, email, WhatsApp, or whatever.
· If you get a yes, REGISTER them on the BNI Connect App so that the visitor host team can follow their normal process including sending them the online meeting link.
BNI App update
· The BNI App now allows you to register a visitor (a prospective member) a guest (someone not likely to be a prospective member ) or a substitute.
· The recommendation is to REGISTER your visitors rather than inviting them. Inviting, although seemingly the logical thing to do, requires the visitor to RSVP which is a bit convoluted, and few visitors complete this step which means the visitor never gets sent the meeting details. Remind the visitor to RSVP to the invite!
· Bringing visitors to the online meeting is even more critical than bringing visitors to the usual meeting where more energy can be generated by face-to-face interaction.
· However, online BNI meetings open up opportunities to invite people that aren’t normally able to make the face-to-face meeting. Once they come to the online meeting, they can see how business networking really works.
· Let’s all make a commitment to get 1 visitor each to an online meeting during the lockdown.