Home » Community: When you have a giant Network things happen by accident faster – welcome to Connectedness!

Community: When you have a giant Network things happen by accident faster – welcome to Connectedness!

by BNI New Zealand

When I met Thomas Power at the BNI conference in Kuala Lumpur last year he told me that in his view – online networks such as Ecademy have a spiritual component to them – helping people to form relationships and to increase their presence or “vibration” through their connectedness. His recent article about On Line communities caught my eye and I have set out an excerpt below:

As your connections grow across multiple online platforms (and I recommend you join as many as you have time for) you become more connected. More connected with people, more connected with content, more connected with the flow of what’s happening throughout the world. Your connections inform you, guide you, lead you, teach you. They act like a torch in the dark. You can see this happening in the blogs on Ecademy and the conversation threads on Friendfeed, the feed on Facebook and the flow on Twitter. We may as a generation be 100 times more informed and better connected than our parents. Our children might be 100 times better connected and informed than us once working adults.

As you become more connected over time something called connectedness kicks in. Connectedness is the art and science of being connected sometimes called Social Presence.

Connectedness is not the same as connections. Connectedness is when things like people, events, projects, work assignments, your friends and social life, speeches begin to flow toward you without you seemingly trying. You hunt less because things just keep showing up in your life and I do mean in all aspects of your life. If things are not showing up your connectedness index is low. If things are showing up all the time your connectedness index is high. Your goal is high. High means flow. Low means frustration or blocks. Frustration with yourself and blocks with people around you. Connectedness is an aroma you output. Your aroma can be magnetizing to some repelling to others.

Connectedness is a mathematical theory related to electronic networks. I want each of you to understand and measure your connectedness from the context of people, projects, content and events both professionally and socially.

Grow your connectedness and you grow yourself and thus your life.

Grow your connectedness and strengthen those around you.

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Mark Rhodes 17 November 2009 - 1:28 am

I can relate to this and having spent 2 days with just 8 others in the company of Thomas Power on one of his social media events, I have real experience of this.

I was fortunate to be a speaker at the BNI Directors conference last week in California, where I met a certain Mr Graham Southwell.

Anyway, at the event I got introduced to Niiraj Shah, National Director of BNI India and passed him my Business Card. On looking at my card he told me “Oh, I’ve heard about you, one of my members in India has been talking about you”…the thing is that member in India is one of my ecademy connections that had attended one of my free webinars promoted on ecademy.

What this did in an instant is it gave further credibility to the introduction made, as not only was I being introduced to Niiraj by a respected BNI person, but he then had some connection between myself and one of his members which had already been formed in advance by social media/ecademy networking.

As they say the real power of networking online an offline is what people are saying about you when you are not there.

As part of the test Thomas Power did on ecademy I was one of those who got a lot of connections in a short time, and this power of numbers came into play with a few connections that led to speaking engagements.

Of course as well all know the “accidental connection” is just the start, that opens the door, it is still down to us to build deep relationships from that point on.

Graham Southwell 17 November 2009 - 8:37 am

All good – and lets not forget that nothing beats face to face networking 🙂 It was great to meet you in Long Beach and good luck with your BNI journey.

PS Maybe you can put in a word for me with Penny and Thomas. I am keen to start to feature their material on this blog.

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