Why it is crucial for every member to attend every week?
To give and receive referrals.
To listen to the specific referral requests of your fellow members.
Make your own specific referral request.
Listen to the Feature Presentation speaker.
Meet visitors and explore new opportunities with them.
To be visible and memorable (even when you send a substitute).
Members might assume if you can’t prioritise a weekly meeting then their referrals may receive the same treatment.
Research shows a strong correlation between attendance and referrals given and received.
Members arrive expecting to see you to discuss matters, questions or possible referral opportunities. By not being present you miss those opportunities.
Any others?
BNI Attendance Policies

General Policy No. 3 – The weekly meetings run for 90 minutes. Members need to arrive on time and stay for the entire meeting.
General Policy No. 5 – Attendance is critical to the group. If a member cannot attend, they may send a substitute (not a member of their own chapter) to the meeting, (this will not count as an absence). A member is allowed three absences in any rolling six-month period. More than this and the individual’s membership may be reviewed by the chapter’s Leadership Team or Membership Committee.
Absences and tardiness result in less business for members; therefore, the Membership Committee of a chapter may give warnings to members who are consistently late or leave early. If the problem continues, the member’s category may be opened by the Membership Committee.
It is important to remember that other members are paying to see you each week!