Home » Northland Chapter helping the local sporting community

Northland Chapter helping the local sporting community

by Colin Kennedy

 Recently the Northland Chapter got involved in their community by donating to a worthy cause that supports St Johns’ work in Whangarei, with head office also making a contribution.

 The local community identified a need experienced by sports participants at Kensington Park in Whangarei, a scenario many of us can identify with.

 Every Saturday morning during winter school terms, hundreds of children, parents and supporters participate or watch sport at Kensington Park. The facility hosts junior rugby, netball, soccer and hockey and also has events held at the stadium, indoor gymnasium and athletics sports complex.

 Unfortunately, a number of those participating in these sports events sustain injuries every week, some serious and requiring ambulance response. These injuries not only cause pain and discomfort for the injured, but generate a considerable amount of concern and anxiety for parents and caregivers.  

 As a result, St Johns was contacted and they agreed to man a first aid response located centrally at Kensington Park, and available to all sports codes. That way, the regular large community gathering of children and adults at Kensington Park are provided with significant reassurance with the provision of regular trained first aid personnel to treat injuries, assist injury rehabilitation and provide support.  

 As a sponsor, BNI can expect positive exposure, with a large sign displayed at every event detailing how to join BNI and listing the members who contributed to the cause.

 In addition, this service will provide an opportunity to raise the profile of one of New Zealand’s most valued charities St Johns Ambulance, and their valuable community work.

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