Home Be Inspired If you’re not getting referrals, it’s probably somebody else’s fault…

If you’re not getting referrals, it’s probably somebody else’s fault…

by BNI New Zealand

colin_0016 I’ve posted a lot about stickiness – being memorable, standing out in your chapter, differentiating yourself, but I’ve  been thinking… maybe it isn’t your responsibility.

Well ok, of course being memorable is your responsibility; but what I mean to say is that each person in your chapter has to take personal responsibility for getting their head in the referral game, in order for any strategy to succeed.

Don’t they?

You could be as sticky as five day gum on the sidewalk, but if the other people in your chapter aren’t in the referral giving, business networking mindset, what chance do you stand?

Well… actually, here are some ideas.

1. Get really close to a handful of people in your chapter and build strong ties with them. However, you say, success still hinges on their taking responsibility to give referrals. Doesn’t it?

2. Another way is to give, and give. Most people, if they are normal, will feel obliged to reciprocate in some way. By giving you spread goodwill, prosperity and… pressure. Funny how we always come back to Dr Ivan Misner’s basic, fundamental, golden rule: “Givers Gain”.

3. Finally, take responsibility for leadership in your chapter or network. If the others aren’t playing the game, motivate them, hold them accountable (in a nice way) and lead from the front.

Any other ideas on how to get your fellow networker’s head in the game?

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