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The Attitude of Gratitude

by Hazel Walker

Thanksgiving.  It is the beginning of the Holiday Season, it is the time of year that we look back over the year and appreciate all that we have done and those who have helped us along the way. We are thankful for our family, our friends, and our health.  This is the time of year we stop and think about what we are thankful for.

When developing your network, it is important that you stop regularly throughout the year and thank the people around you who are helping you achieve success.

There are a great many people whom I am grateful for this year. Some have passed me great referrals, some have been a positive influence, others have been there to help me with whatever I have needed and some have been willing to walk me into opportunities that I never thought possible.  For each of them I am grateful.  I have learned that if I am in a constant attitude of gratitude, I attract more things and people to be grateful for.

I have two affirmations that I say repeatedly throughout the day:

1.  Everyday in everyway I create abundance and 
     and prosperity for myself and others.

2.  I am grateful for the abundance in my life and the
     opportunities to learn and grow.

Commit to yourself to be grateful all day, everyday not just the Holidays.  Gratitude is not something that we do; it is a way of being.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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