Home Be Inspired The Great Networking Controversy….

The Great Networking Controversy….

by BNI New Zealand

The Daily Telegraph in the UK recently ran a feature about BNI in which it was noted that the amount business passed through BNI has risen from £185m to £269m. Charlie Lawson, national director of BNI UK, said local firms were taking the benefits of ‘word of mouth’ referrals far more seriously. “What we know from our members is they are embracing a much wider range of networking tools beyond face to face, such as LinkedIn and Twitter, helping to maintain relationships long after meetings, networking events or making new contacts in the pub,” he said.

Not everyone seems to agree with the sentiments of the article.  If you are interested, feel free to follow the link to a blog in Cambridge, UK where a lively discussion is currently underway about the various types of networking groups that exist and the merits and drawbacks of each.  Contributors to date include BNI Founder and Chairman – Dr Ivan Misner.  To join in the discussion – and have your say; CLICK HERE

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