Home Be Inspired The snowball effect – build momentum in your chapter with Givers Gain

The snowball effect – build momentum in your chapter with Givers Gain

by BNI New Zealand
BNI Synergy, Jon-Paul Hales, under the screen, left side without glasses

BNI Synergy, Jon-Paul Hales, under the screen, left side without glasses








Our chapter is BNI Synergy in Mairangi Bay and the name is well-suited as our members work together brilliantly – but we also have our own initiatives that align perfectly with the BNI philosophy of Givers Gain.

What exactly is Givers Gain?

Givers Gain is a philosophy based on the law of reciprocity. In the context of networking groups, people who adopt this philosophy dedicate themselves to giving business to their fellow networkers rather than making their foremost concern getting business for themselves. By doing this other people naturally become eager to repay their kindness by sending them business in return.

Givers Gain is a great way to live life in general and it is a standard which we can all apply to ourselves. When you give, you’re more likely to get back. When you give to others, your generosity is likely to be rewarded by others down the line. Sometimes by the person you gave to, sometimes by someone else. When we give to others, we don’t only make them feel closer to us; we also feel closer to them. Giving promotes a sense of trust and cooperation that strengthens our ties to others.

This is what we have found at BNI Synergy. By giving to our members and to our community, we have strengthened our chapter. Through Givers Gain we have created a reliable network where we support each other through both good and bad days.

How do we give back?

Fundamentally, BNI is a organisation that is run by the members for the members. We are unashamedly here for business but also engage with the community in a big way through our charitable efforts. This helps get the word out about our group and benefits individuals both inside and outside our chapter.

Personally, I have started a fundraising initiative for breast cancer. This issue is close to home for me because my mother died from breast cancer. My family’s struggles and bad experiences with insurance companies is a big reason why I do what I do. One of the things that can assist people going through breast cancer is getting people good access to health care.

To help out with this you need an adequately developed insurance package. Some people’s medical insurance doesn’t cover them, especially when they have to pay for unfunded cancer medicines. Getting a good insurance plan will ensure that the stress of finding funds to pay for health care is taken care of. This is where I come in.

I personally have assisted members in my chapter with their own insurance, discounting what I earn to ensure they are fully covered. One of our members would have had to pay out $183,000 for medical costs if they hadn’t had the cover I set up. Because of this they had more time with their family and effective medical treatment.

What are the benefits?

Giving back to your chapter has immediate tangible benefits. There is a deeper level of trust created between members and a greater energy in the chapter. We had more recently someone bring champagne to our chapter as a thank you. This sort of thing creates momentum in the group. The more you give back, the more you want to get involved – it’s a fantastic snowball effect that strengthens your chapter and community. This is how our members are demonstrating Givers Gain and I recommend it to other chapters. Members get to know your character and support you and your business – try it yourself!

Jon-Paul Hale, President BNI Synergy, Insurance and Risk Adviser for Willow Grove

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