Home » Small Business Expo – Auckland

Small Business Expo – Auckland

by BNI New Zealand

27.JPGbni_os_3113.jpg  Once again BNI were exhibitors at the Auckland Bizzone Business Expo in Auckland – and enjoyed a good degree of interest from the visitors.  As part of the Expo we presented at the National Bank Seminar Series and also held a Big Breakfast on the Friday morning where over 230 members joined us to celebrate our 10th Anniversary.  With over 14 of our founding members present at the breakfast we were pleased to present them with 10 year certificates.  The breakfast included a presentation from Gary Sturgess – CEO of South Auckland Hospice and a key note presentation from Bill James.  Finally – a cheque was presented to Wilf Marley – President of Hospice New Zealand from BNI NZ.

We will be holding similar events in Wellington and Christchurch – if you are interested in attending then please reserve your tickets via the website (www.bni.co.nz)

STOP PRESS – Jo Seagar will be the guest speaker at the Christchurch event 🙂


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1 comment

Paul Meyer 17 June 2009 - 5:50 pm

Jo Seager should be great.
Visited her cooking studio/cafe recently thanks to Alastair Christie, Regional Director, Christchurch.
Auckland event was awesome with Bill James and Gary Sturgess. Bizzone fun also.
Keep those event celebrations going!
Paul Meyer
Assistant Director
East and South Auckland

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