Home » Avatar


by BNI New Zealand

There has been a lot of talk recently about the movie Avatar – in particularly about the ideas of interconnectedness and group consciousness. That being the case I thought that there may be some interest in the following video of Neuroscientist Vilayanur Ramachandran, who outlines the fascinating functions of mirror neurons. Only recently discovered, these neurons allow us to learn complex social behaviors, some of which formed the foundations of human civilization as we know it.

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Catherine Opie 13 February 2010 - 5:44 pm

Wow, that’s such an incredibly simple way of explaining that connection between us, thank you. Its interesting to note that we live in an environment where electrical charge is conducted through moisture in the air and the earth. Science truly is begginning to “mirror” ancient knowledge about how the universe and the human being operates and its good to have a logical explanation for something we all “feel” anyway.

Graham Southwell 13 February 2010 - 9:31 pm

I agree – we are starting to see the differences between science, religion, philosophy beginning to fall away as we move towards a more holistic approach to living 🙂


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