BNI Policy #7 Does anyone know what BNI Policy # 7 is? No, I didn’t either. I had heard about it though. It is, “Visitors may only attend a BNI meeting …
Relationship Marketing
In BNI, how can we ensure we are looking after our visitors and guests well?
Who likes having visitors join our meeting? We all do, right? It’s great to meet new people; they bring energy and business. Potentially, if they are a good fit, they …
Where do I start? When we walk into a group situation, we look around to see who we know we can talk to or who we can start up a …
Business people learn how to communicate effectively while wearing masks at their BNI networking meetings …
Famous Mask Wearers Where would your favourite movie or TV show be without face masks? Over the years, in popular culture, they have become synonymous with superheroes and villains, hiding the …
Giving is Transformational The world can be a dark place now with a global pandemic, climate change, poverty, famine, racism, and extreme and deep divisions in society to name just …
Buy Local – Buy BNI
Asking for Introductions An important part of our sales pitch is the Specific Referral Request or The Ask. This is related to our story and should make the other members …
Why is BNI like a Game of Rugby?
This is a hypothetical situation for the Education Coordinator to role play… So, I was talking to my mate Steve Hansen the other day I was telling him about BNI …
Category Exclusivity in BNI When you join BNI you choose (with the help of the membership committee) a category so you don’t have to compete with another member for referrals. …
Visitors – The Lifeblood of BNI
If visitors or potential visitors experience a less than excellent first impression of BNI, we are inadvertently cutting down visitor activity, denying members the chance to do business with visitors …