Home BNI News BNI Capital Connections Chapter

BNI Capital Connections Chapter

by BNI New Zealand

It only took Brendon Ojala (President) and Chris Wheatley (Vice President) a few short weeks to pull together the core group of business people needed to launch the new Wellington based BNI Capital Connections chapter.

Brendon a Mortgage Broker and Chris an independent Property Manager had been aware of the opportunities presented by BNI membership but had been unable to find a vacancy in any of the Wellington chapters. “We had to wait for a vacancy which may not have eventuated or take things into our own hands and start a group. The decision was easy!”

The 16 member core group then invited business owners from all over the region to view this exciting opportunity

Interest was such that a total of 42 business people attended the kick off meeting 19 August

This week saw 15 visitor’s at the first official meeting run by the leadership team which resulted in additional tables being dragged into the meeting room.

The chapter has already received 6 applications and several more are pending. This should see the chapter reach over 20 members in only their second week of being chartered.

Chapter meets Tuesdays at the Southern Cross Garden Bar & Restaurant 39 Able Smith Street, Wellington

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