Home » Mini Workshop – Referrals 003

Mini Workshop – Referrals 003

by Geoff Kirkwood

This is a 2-3 minute activity that involves those at the meeting.

You will need to read it through beforehand and be prepared. 
What you say out loud to the group is in larger type in bold.

Purpose: To highlight other places to find referrals.

Requirements: – NIL.


Start by asking the members…

Where are the best places to find referrals?

Seek responses and repeat the best 2 or 3. Now ask the chapter…

How many of you ask your best clients for referrals?

Seek responses and ask 2 or 3 to tell their story – in brief. Then say….

The best way to do this is as follows…

1.    Tell your existing customers you are always looking for referrals, for yourself and your referral network.

2.    Take your Card Wallet into meetings with some of your best clients. Let them see it and tell them what it is.

3.    As part of your presentation let them know that you belong to BNI – this will only add credibility to your business.

4.    When you ask for referrals, and explain for whom and why, you value add in the eyes of your client – you demonstrate that you are well connected.

One of the challenges with small business is that many of us are single operators. Membership of BNI makes us part of something much bigger and makes us smart, well-connected business people in the eyes of our clients.

Ask the group…

Write down the names of your 10 top clients.

Prompt them to take out a piece of paper and actually write down these names.

Now let me see a show of hands of members who have approached all of these people in the last 12 months and told them about BNI – who have actually asked these people for a referral?

Seek responses. Then finish by saying….

If you haven’t, then what are you waiting for?

The Referral Master®

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