Home BNI Workshops Mini Workshop – Referrals 002

Mini Workshop – Referrals 002

by BNI New Zealand

Article contributed by Geoff Kirkwood.

This is a 2-3 minute activity that involves those at the meeting.
You will need to read it through beforehand and be prepared. 
What you say out loud to the group is in larger type in bold.
Purpose: To highlight the need for focus to get referrals .

Begin by asking the members the following question…

Who do you want to meet?

Tell me who it is that you want to meet in business?

Give me one name?

Some of them will give you an answer but it is likely most won’t.

So ask them to do the following….

Please write down the names of three people you want to meet?

Go on, pick up a pen and write down the names of three people who you would like to be your next three customers?

Here you need to ask as many people as you have time for to say out loud the names on their list.

Now, say out loud their names, one member at a time?

Stop after each member and ask….

Does anyone here know these people?

Does anyone here know someone who knows these people?

At the end of this ask the following two questions.

1.    Will all of you who do have names, start asking for them on a rotational basis each week or every second week.
2.    Those of you who do not have any names need to think about how your team will be able to find referrals if you have not told them who to look for.

If you are struggling with this process maybe we need the Reciprocity Ring seminar!

The Referral Master®

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