Home BNI Workshops60 Second Infomercials Have you really taught your team?

Have you really taught your team?

by BNI New Zealand

Article contributed by Geoff Kirkwood.

This is a 2-3 minute activity that involves those at the meeting. You will need to read it through beforehand and be prepared. What you say out loud to the group is in larger type in bold.

The purpose of this workshop is to highlight the importance of your 60-second infomercial.


This morning we are focussing on your 60-second infomercial!

Do the other chapter members really know who to look and listen for?

To make sure that they do, lets look at one aspect of what you say each week.

And lets use a chiropractor as an example.

For me to know how to find a referral for a chiropractor I need to know two things….

  1. What will I hear potential referrals say, and
  1. What will I see potential referrals do

If I hear someone complaining about a sore back, stiff neck or inability to sleep…. then that person is a referral opportunity.

If I see someone obviously in pain, rubbing and stretching their neck, back or shoulders… then that person is a referral opportunity.

Whilst it is important to know what a chiropractor does, it is more important to know what his or her clients will be saying or doing.

So next week when you do your 60-second infomercial tell your sales team what the need to listen for and look for to find a referral for you.

After all, you are the expert on your business and you will know how to find referrals for you.

All you need to do is tell your team.

The Referral Master®

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Jason Gives Stuff Away 24 March 2011 - 7:23 pm

I started a BNI chapter in Walnut Creek CA from scratch and it was a lot of work… I was the first guy making the phone calls. I’m really proud of that group as it is a million dollar chapter now.

An elevator pitch is very important… I have several pitches depending who I’m speaking with. It can be difficult to keep them all in line and natural. That is one reason I have created a formula for the elevator pitch. Here is my basic formula let me know what you think of it

4 Simple Steps to Creating the Perfect Elevator Pitch

1. Identify who you can help by starting with… I show people who (need to save money, want to buy real estate, want to own their home, can’t get a mortgage,)

2. Identify what you can help them with…. how they can (increase their revenue, income, own a home, pay less on their mortgage)

3. Identify why they can benefit… so they can (have more time freedom, enjoy home ownership, reap tax benefits, spend more time with family)

4. Ask if they know anyone like that… end with a question or ask for a referral.

Graham Southwell 25 March 2011 - 5:53 am

I agree Jason – starting chapters is a lot of work. Re-vitalising an ailing chapter can be even harder although it sounds as though that is not a problem for your chapter. Thanks for taking the time to comment on this posting – and greetings from New Zealand!

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