Home Better Business Would you play football without rules? Be accountable at BNI!

Would you play football without rules? Be accountable at BNI!

by BNI New Zealand

Accountability is so important in the modern business world. The Workplace Accountability Study recently revealed that 82% of respondents have no ability to hold others accountable, but 91% of people rank accountability as one of the top development needs they’d like to see at their organisation.

Employees want to keep their peers accountable when they fail to meet the demands of their job, in the same way they want to recognise them when they do good work. But when employees have no system of accountability in place, things can very quickly fall apart. This is why accountability matters, and why you need to invest in it.


Accountability is hugely important at BNI.

Originally BNI had 5 core values. Recently they have been expanded to 7, to include the very important value of Accountability.

Last week we talked about 4 of BNI’s core values, today we will discuss the final 3.

  1. A positive and supportive attitude. Survey after survey has shown that this is the top criteria that people look for in someone to network with. Life is too short to surround yourself with negative, unhappy people. Instead, surround yourself with people who want you to succeed; positive people who will uplift you.
  2. Recognition. Recognition is something that we really believe in at BNI. We want to recognise people who’ve done a good job and celebrate their achievements. This starts at the chapter level. If you see something that deserves recognition, let others know including BNI Support so that they can help spread the word!
  3. Accountability. This is such an important value in the contemporary business world. A networking group without accountability is a coffee club. It’s like playing a game of football with no rules. Accountability is a key value at every level of the BNI organisation.

Think about these three core values and see how they relate to your experiences at BNI. If you think there are some areas in which your chapter can improve – discuss these. By practising these core values our organisation will be stronger and more successful.

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