How much TYFCB can we record by the end of the Year?
BNI recognises chapters that record multiples of millions of dollars in a calendar year. There is a real achievement and prestige in being recognised as a Million dollar or multiple Million dollar chapter in BNI. Last year the record in NZ was $4m by BNI Parnell.
Currently our TYFCB is $xx – what round number of millions can we get to by the end of this year to get the highest recognition possible? 1, 2, 3, 4 or more million?
How do we reach our TYFCB Goal?
Record your TYFCB as soon as possible so we can track our progress. If you are behind in recording it, please catch up. Keep engaging with the activities that generate TYFCB, attending, one to ones, referrals and inviting visitors. Now is no time to rest on our laurels!

Top Tips about TYFCB
1. Use the APP to record it
2. You can thank members, ex members, members of other chapters and visitors for any business you have generated from internal referrals (member to member), external referrals (member to non-member) and third tier/spin-off referrals (referral from a referred party – the gold of BNI) since your membership began.
3. It excludes GST
4. It is the increase in turnover that your business experienced as the result of the referral – not the profit (use the $ amount from the invoice)
5. Thanking the person who referred you will help them to keep referring; rewarding behaviour you want to encourage works!
BNI App – TYFCB Tips
1. To record TYFCB for visitors and ex members go to the bottom of the member list
2. To record TYFCB for members of other chapters use worldwide search
3. Tier 3/Spin-off TYFCB is from a referral of a referral
4. For confidentiality reasons the person you thank won’t be notified by the APP who thanked them – so it’s nice to drop them an email saying you’ve loaded it. You don’t need to advise value entered, just that you have done it.
5.The TYFCB you record doesn’t show up in your TYFCB stats – it shows up in the TYFCB of the person you thanked! It shows up in your revenue received in the APP.
6.TYFCB doesn’t show up on your stats dashboards or the chapter stats reports until the corresponding PALMS record is submit by the VP.
TYFCB is an Outcome
TYFCB is an outcome of our engagement and activity but it’s great to know the chapter is working to generate real business for its members. If we don’t record it, how can we quantify our success?