Home Better Business There is no time like the present to be “present” at BNI

There is no time like the present to be “present” at BNI

by BNI New Zealand

One of the key differences between those who have great success at BNI versus those who just get by, is their attendance record. It can be challenging getting back into the swing of things with BNI after the summer holidays, but simply by being present, you increase your chances of succeeding with referrals.

So why is attendance so important?

  1. Visibility – Attendance in BNI is just like having your shop opened weekly. You are present when others need your service. Just ask yourself, “Would I recommend a shop if it only opens when it likes?”
  2. Commitment & Reliability – Members need to know you are committed to your business. They must have confidence that you can deliver and will be there when they need you.
  3. Credibility –How you do anything is how you do everything! Members are always observing you. How you conduct yourself determines the quantity and quality of referrals you receive. Would you pass a referral to a member who is hardly around to meet or talk to you?
  4. Partnership – BNI is more than a meeting; it’s a “partnership” meeting. Weekly you meet with your business partners to discuss your ideal referrals and your fellow members’ ideal referrals.
  5. Relationship Building – Weekly meetings are great opportunities to bond with your business partners. If you want business from them, get to know them.

Experienced members of BNI understand the importance of attendance. Recently Barrie Wood, a member of BNI Warkworth for over 13 years, discussed the importance of being present at meetings. He says part of his success in the group is down to his attendance record.

Barrie set a target for himself when he first joined that he would never miss a meeting. If he was going to be out of the country, he would get a substitute to fill in for him. Other than a leave of absence a couple of years ago, he has pretty much kept this record – perhaps only missing half a dozen meetings over his entire 15 years in BNI. He recommends that other members set this sort of attendance challenge for themselves. His record became a point of pride for him and he believes that being present and mindful at meetings has really contributed to the success of his business.

Do you have a BNI goal for 2016? Perhaps you too could set a goal of not missing a single weekly meeting this year?

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