Home Be Inspired My near perfect attendance – the key to success over 14 years at BNI

My near perfect attendance – the key to success over 14 years at BNI

by BNI New Zealand
Barrie Wood, centre row, blue shirt

Barrie Wood, centre row, blue shirt

If someone asked me what the real key to success at BNI is after my long run in the organisation, I would answer regular attendance is a big part of it. I first joined BNI about 14 years ago when a friend asked me to visit the local chapter – BNI Hibiscus Coast. I had just bought my own commercial printing business together with my wife Anne (Warkworth Printing) after lecturing for many years at AUT in the school of Printing/Art/Design.

At the time I was in my mid 50’s and needed some support to deal with all the hats you need to wear when you become a business owner (I had never owned a business before). I loved the meeting format and joined up immediately. I had a lot of support from an accountant at the chapter and am happy to say that a couple of members from that time are still clients today. These are the sorts of long-term relationships that BNI can create. Initially, I’d only really ever been in printing production management so didn’t actually know the finer details of how sales, marketing or financial aspects of a business worked. Coaching from a fellow BNI member gave me an insight into these different aspects which I found very useful.

Creating a new chapter

After a couple of years in the chapter 3 other members and I decided there were sufficient businesses to start up a new BNI group in Warkworth. I’ve now belonged to BNI Warkworth Chapter for over 12 years. I feel part of my success in the group is down to my attendance record. I set a target for myself when I first joined that I would never miss a meeting. If I was going to be away or out of the country, I would get a substitute to fill in for me. Other than a leave of absence for a double heart bypass 3 years ago, I have pretty much kept this record – missing only about 3 meetings over my 14 years in BNI.

The power of exceptional attendance

I recommend that other members set this sort of attendance challenge for themselves. My record became a point of pride for me and I think that being present and mindful at meetings has really contributed to the success of my business. I never wanted to miss a weekly meeting because it meant I might miss a business opportunity. Why not set a goal of not missing a single weekly meeting in 2016?

A fantastic support system

Another thing that has contributed directly to the success of my business is the great support I have had from other members of my chapter. Recently this has been very important to me as I am going through the process of selling my business. I have used a business coach who is a member of BNI Norwest in order to better understand the process and requirements when selling a business.

I’m not the type of person to just put my feet up and rest so I’ll have to find something else to do after I sell my business. I’ll still be involved in my chapter; I plan to be available as a substitute whenever other members can’t make meetings. Ex members could be encouraged put their names forward for your chapter’s substitute list – particularly if they’ve been involved for a while. Once you have a good understanding of the other businesses in your chapter, there’s no better person to take on the role of a substitute for your business group.

I loved attending weekly meetings at BNI and it’s something I’ll definitely miss but I’ll still have a relationship with the members of my chapter. I have held all the various chapter management positions in my earlier years. When you’ve had as many years in BNI as I have, the relationships are enduring.

Barrie Wood owner of Warkworth Printing and member of BNI for 14 + years.


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