CATS Scores …

by BNI New Zealand

CATS, Member Commitment Report, 5’s, 6’s and CATS explained

Heard of CATS?

It’s not a herd of Cats, it’s a clowder or glaring of Cats! But we aren’t talking about Felines. This week we are looking at BNI’s system that measures and weights member activity.

It’s called the Member Commitment Report and the scores it includes are called the 5’s, the 6’s and the CATS scores.

I’ll pass around copies of the report for the last six months, explain what the scores mean and how they are calculated and most importantly, what they are supposed to be used for.

***Make sure you can see a report for the next part of the education

PALMS, 5’s, 6’s and CATS. What the difference between them?

PALMS are raw indicators of activity in the chapter. It assumes each activity is equal and PALMS can be looked at for different periods of time for different purposes. Most often it is used to look at attendance as a base measure of visibility.

5’s, 6’s and CATS weight the data in different ways to show an overall score of engagement/visibility in the group.

How are the 5’s, the 6’s and the CATS scores calculated?
Make sure you can see a copy of the sheet I sent around. Follow my example and calculate your own. I’ll demonstrate how mine is calculated as an example.

If you have been in the chapter less than six months the total score won’t be as relevant, the score is only applicable for a six-month period.

5’s Score yourself 1 point for each present, 1 for each sub, subtract 1 for each late, 1 subtract 1 for each absence, score 1 for each referral (internal plus external) , 1 for each visitor and 1 for each one to one.

6’s Take your 5’s score and adds 1 point for every whole $1,000 of TYFCB you have given the group.

• Plus 1 for each 121/Dance
• Plus 1 for every 1 Thousand Dollars of Closed Business given credited to the member.
• Plus 1 for every Internal Referral
• Plus 2 points for every Visitor recorded against the member’s name on the PALMS.
• Plus 2 points for every External Referral
• Less 2 points for each absence without a substitute.
Who managed to get the same answer?

Why do we need 3 different scores?

5’s doesn’t include a score for TYFCB and just gives a measure of overall activity. Leaving TYFCB out of the equation can make sense where a member just happens to pass one referral in a six-month period, and it scores a lot of points. But perhaps the rest of their activity is very low.

6’s includes a score for TYFCB so shows results. Ideally the TYFCB would not be from one referral to really show results.

Lastly, CATS scores weigh the activity to reflect that some activities are more valuable than other activities, external referrals and bringing a visitor both score 2 points and not attending loses 2 points instead of 1. Who would agree a visitor or external referral has a higher value than an internal referral or a 1 to 1?

How can the scores be used?
•It’s important to know that these scores are a tool. Not a weapon. •Members and leadership teams can review these numbers to see the level of activity in the chapter to see who needs help to improve their activity. •You might think there is an absolute number that everybody should be above. There isn’t. It depends on the chapter and the way it is run.
•There are also other intangible factors to consider like being a positive member, contribution in other areas like leadership and their personal circumstances.

The BNI Member commitment report is a balanced way of looking at member activity.
A member can use it to see if they can increase the score which will benefit themselves and the other members in the chapter, the leadership team can look at it to see who needs help.
The key is to review the report regularly (bi-monthly at least), consider other intangible factors and to act!

Now we have let the CAT out of the bag, next week we will look at how you can improve your score.

This week’s Education files:

Education PowerPoint:
Education Notes:


BNI Member Commitment Report & Worked Examples Handout:

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