When you are more visible in a person’s life, you naturally begin to build rapport and like them–once you have a relationship with somebody, and they like and trust you, they are more likely to do business with you or take actions to see you succeed (like giving referrals).
Failing to turn up regularly at BNI meetings makes us more invisible to our chapter members and, therefore, less relevant; it also erodes any sense of connection. In a complex and nuanced way, it communicates that you may be inconsistent and less committed to the team. This means chapter members are less likely to go to bat for you… They may also think this is how you behave with clients.
It also leads to thoughts like, “I get up early every [insert your meeting day] and make an effort to be here, why can’t you?” or “Why should I listen to their ten minutes when they’ve never been here for mine?”
A less charitable attitude, but also very human.
A successful team requires commitment. You are either ill (you’re allowed three absences for illness or unexpected events in a rolling six-month period) or you should try to send a substitute. With a substitute you should always first try to get a client or industry peer to sub for you (so they can rave about you) rather than asking one of the “usuals”.
We understand that sometimes circumstances conspire against you, and you can’t attend. But we do want you to know we care if you aren’t there, and we want you to also care if you aren’t there.
If circumstances do conspire against you and you can’t attend, please let us know. We do worry about members that aren’t at the meeting; it’s just good manners to let us know so we don’t send out a search party. Please email or text the Vice-President.
As a leadership team and as a chapter, we are aware when the absences are beginning to add up for some. Please pay more attention to your attendance because it is something that we, as a leadership team, will be paying attention to.
If circumstances do conspire against you and you can’t attend, please let us know. We do worry about members that aren’t at the meeting; it’s just good manners to let us know so we don’t send out a search party. Please email or text the Vice-President.
As a leadership team and as a chapter, we are aware when the absences are beginning to add up for some. Please pay more attention to your attendance because it is something that we, as a leadership team, will be paying attention to.