Home Be Inspired Words of wisdom for young business professionals about networking

Words of wisdom for young business professionals about networking

by BNI New Zealand

Words of wisdom for young business professionals about networking

A big part of having success with networking, in business and at BNI, comes from continuing to put yourself out there. It important to get to know other businesspeople and professionals in your area; something that can be achieved through structured networking. Younger businesspeople (or those new to business) may not however yet understand the tremendous value of structured networking. So what can you convey to them why it’s a vital for business success?

Here are 3 key reasons:

  1. You get known amongst credible expert business professionals. Even if you’re not shy, you may feel uncomfortable introducing yourself to new people. BNI offers you the opportunity to do this and helps you sharpen your speaking skills. This is especially true in terms of introducing your business in a public way. As you practise your 60 seconds you will not only improve your communication skills, but you will also begin to have a greater understanding of your own business and what exactly it is that you do. Simply putting yourself out there and making people know who you are will open all sorts of doors for you.
  2. It’s all about “who you know” when you’re getting started – then it’s all about “what you know” that keeps you credible. Often people get business simply because they knew someone in a company. Understanding this makes people take networking more seriously. There just may be someone in your network that can help you elevate your career. This is what BNI is all about – using networking to gain referrals and business opportunities.
  3. Take the chance to meet new experienced businesspeople. We’re so fortunate at BNI to have a fantastic mix of experienced businesspeople who you can meet and talk with each week. For new businesspeople especially, it’s the opportunity to connect with like minds and grow your network while learning about the finer points of business.

We’ll be soon letting you know plans for New Zealand National Networking Week and what your chapter can do during the week of Monday 9th –  Friday 13th May to support this initiative. This year’s theme focuses on promoting the benefits of networking to those who may be newly qualified or beginning in business. During New Zealand National Networking Week we will encourage you to invite younger and/or less experienced businesspeople to your meetings. The three points highlighted above, can answer their questions about why networking is worthwhile for them and why they should attend your chapter’s meeting.

Networking plays a huge role in the development and success of businesses around the world but often new businesspeople have not yet learnt about networking. Let people know about the value of structured networking both for personal and professional development. It’s the real life experiences of those who have had success with networking that are most likely to persuade people on the power of connecting through BNI.

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