There have been so many benefits to StarJam being in BNI Success and in return many members have received from StarJam.
Over the years I have carried out the one to one meetings in our office so I could introduce the chapter members to the rest of the National office team to hopefully get them more referrals.
The chapter members have been consistent in attending and supporting our annual fundraisers such as our golf days and Gala Dinners.

A number of members donate auction items and in the BNI way of Givers Gain®, StarJam promotes those businesses through their database, social media and attendees at the functions.
Several members kindly provided services in kind which is a huge saving to a Not for Profit.
There have been some very special outcomes over the years including when two members joined the board with one then becoming the Chair of the board. The chapter members really bought into what StarJam does and why, with one of the members recently became a workshop volunteer which was a very moving moment for me.
They have been integral in helping StarJam grow significantly across the country and have really been on the journey with us.
When I decided to retire, the chapter recently voted to keep StarJam as their charity of choice which shows me they really believe in what StarJam does for the Jammers (young people with disabilities) through music and performance.