Home Be Inspired We love our morning coffee …but BNI isn’t a coffee club

We love our morning coffee …but BNI isn’t a coffee club

by BNI New Zealand

Who doesn’t love catching up with friends or colleagues for a coffee? Taking a break from work for a bit of social networking at a café is a great way to unwind and perhaps do a little business on the side. But as much as we all like this sort of networking, it’s important to distinguish between this and the serious, structured networking that we do at BNI.

BNI is not a coffee club.

How do you bake a cake that turns out delicious each time? You follow a recipe and follow it precisely using the ingredients, measurements and instructions that are outlined. You don’t improvise and chuck in extra things or change the measurements – you follow the recipe faithfully because it works. BNI is exactly the same.

The formula is proven to work and has been replicated internationally and that is why we have 122 chapters throughout New Zealand. Once you begin to stray from the formula, your networking success is diminished and the size of your chapter and referrals will be impacted.

What are the key elements to the effective BNI formula?

To remain successful all members should make sure they:

  • follow the professional meeting format as outlined in the BNI manual;
  • attend all meetings (or get in subs);
  • always be on time, and;
  • complete at least one dance per week (or fortnight during busy business times).

By following these guidelines, your chapter stays on track and keeps its eye on the prize (or prizes) – to give and receive more business through referrals.

We all love a great coffee and a chat but let’s keep BNI focused on the serious work of building our businesses.

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