Home » The power of one BNI meeting

The power of one BNI meeting

by SandyGeyer

Ever since I joined my first BNI chapter in New Zealand over 3 years ago I have been aware of the transformation, on so many levels, that the organisation has represented to many of its members.

Whilst on a business trip this past week in Cape Town I heard a story about an introduction to BNI that I thought was worth retelling. A gentleman I met with recalled how he had reached a lull in his career many years ago and so he decided to travel to the UK to look for new direction.

During the ride to his accommodation from the airport his colleague and driver mentioned that they would both be attending a business networking meeting the following morning. “It’s at 6.30am and you will be substituting at this meeting for a member who can’t make the meeting. Oh, and by the way, and he is a builder,” his friend said. “What time? …What on earth is substituting… and what do I know about building?” were all thoughts that passed wildly through his mind as he listened.

His friend calmly explained the structure of the organisation he would be visiting through his panicked protestations and gave him directions to the meeting.

Arriving from Africa with its heat still in his bones this gentleman felt disoriented to say the least when he awoke at the crack of dawn the following morning to pitch blackness and snow outside. It was lucky that he had planned to arrive early as after manually scraping the ice from his hire car, he slipped and slid through the snow at the pace of an old woman driver.

He had to keep his face pressed firmly to the windscreen to peer through the snow falling on the gloomy road ahead for the entire trip to the cited venue. Upon arriving at the meeting he was impressed with the warm welcome he received and the high energy in the room. After the introductions and the breakfast he started to feel much better but his relief was short-lived.

Soon it would be his turn to present his 60 seconds builder “blurb”. He felt sure the entire room would have heard his heart beating if it wasn’t for the breakfast he had eaten too quickly now sitting on his chest. When his turn came he rose to his feet to stumble and stutter his way through his prepared builder speech.

Soon after it was time for referrals and the wraps and he recalls saying all the wrong things, such as “I don’t have any referrals. .. if you know someone”. But he ended all his wrong words with 7 right ones.

They went like this, “I will take BNI to South Africa”. And he did.

Currently there are 104 chapters with 2248 members, and no less than 98 000 referrals were passed last year between South African business members.

It all began with the power of one BNI meeting. A power that passes to each and every member who walks through its doors worldwide. They simply have to use it.

I think this is an inspiring story and as with all success stories it wasn’t without its sacrifices and its struggles but Mike Levin who founded BNI South Africa epitomises the very essence of Givers Gain in his story and his energy.

I have written this blog as a well-deserved tribute to a courageous man who is making a difference to business in a country very much in need of such visionary leadership.


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