Home » The most fun sales technique ever

The most fun sales technique ever

by Colin Kennedy

On average a four-year-old child laughs 300 times a day. A 40-year-old? Just four times a day.

If we adults had to laugh more we would enjoy stronger relationships, less conflict, more productivity and many more successful business outcomes.

Dr. Pamela Gerloff, in The Possibility Paradigm, writes: “Research has shown that laughter reduces levels of stress hormones such as cortisol, epinephrine, and dopamine; increases health-enhancing hormones (such as endorphins), neurotransmitters, and infection-fighting antibodies; and improves blood flow to the heart – all resulting in greater relaxation and resistance to disease, as well as improved mood and positive outlook.”

So the science is pretty solid. Laughter is good for you. And here’s why it’s good for business…

Dr Gerloff says that when we laugh together, we experience a sense of unity and connection. We don’t actually need the science to tell us that. It’s just that we forget.

Both rapport and liking are essential to building trust in a business relationship, and the quickest way to make people relax with you is to make them laugh or smile. It really is the most enjoyable sales technique.

In working with a number of BNI chapters for the past eight or so years, it’s my experience that BNI chapters which are full of laughter, fun and banter are the ones that stay strong and grow steadily. A good example is BNI Parnell which has consistently remained around the 37 member mark for years — they’re an energetic, fun bunch of people.

If you want a strong chapter, get people laughing. Have some fun.

Colin Kennedy is a keynote speaker, writer and content marketing consultant. As BNI New Zealand’s marketing director he is responsible for the organisation’s communications strategy, and also serves as an assistant director for North Central region of BNI.

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Paul Meyer 11 April 2012 - 7:53 am

Sure thing Colin!

My acronym for “FUN” is “fantastic unforgetable nicities”.

My 4 year old granddaughter is obviously having 300 of these a day in her world …

Have fun today 🙂


Colin 11 April 2012 - 7:57 am

Thanks Paul. Funny how the best times are when we let the child in us run free for awhile.

Mariska Mannes - Associate Director 13 April 2012 - 1:54 pm

I think that maybe I am still a kid! Your’e right Colin, laughter is the best medicine and chapters that have a good balance between humour and business perform well. And for every person that reads this I hope they can laugh out loud because when you are by yourself and you force a laugh it is actually quite funny which leads to you really laughing, and feeling a whole lot better with the world.

Patsy McCook 14 April 2012 - 11:51 am

Yes how true, laughter is so good for you and we don’t do enough of it!! Nothing like a good belly laugh!

Cara Tipping Smith 16 April 2012 - 11:47 pm

Well done, and on the cusp of leadership transitions – very timely. Thank you. Now if we can just implement this, we’ll be rocking!

Mike Moradian 17 May 2012 - 9:15 pm

Absolutely agree with you Colin. W should never “grow up” but always retain the child in us – inquisitive, curious and fun. It is amazing how positively people react to laughter and witty banter.

Just had a conversation with a visitor to my chapter (Business First) this morning. His obseravtion that although we were light hearted (laughter) we were all serious about business. He is applying to join. Yippee!

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