Home Be Inspired The Best Substitute is Your Own Substitute

The Best Substitute is Your Own Substitute

by BNI New Zealand

The BNI Substitute Programme is recognised as the most abused programme in BNI and generally isn’t used in the way it was intended. This education moment is a gentle look at, and a reminder of how, the programme is intended to be used.

The Best Substitute is Your Own Substitute

Sometimes life gets in the way and we just can’t make the weekly meeting. If we know in advance that we’re not going to make it, the BNI Substitute program allows us to send someone in our place. If we send a substitute it shows we still have commitment to the group, it doesn’t count as an absence and it helps keep the meeting vibrant and energetic.

Many chapters have inadvertently allowed “professional or permanent subs” that become the “go to” option, when we can’t attend. They are often confident bubbly people that can do a good job of the pitch you send them? BUT…. are they the best substitute for you? A permanent sub is an easy choice, but it isn’t the best choice for your business or for your BNI chapter. Often, they are just placeholders, that don’t add the real value a personal substitute could.

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So, who should be your personal substitute?

  • They are raving fan of your business.
  • They will represent you with a testimonial for you and your business that will come from their heart.
  • They will be happy to do you a favour by attending and talking about you.
  • They will be totally convincing and highlight aspects of your business and your ideal referral in a way that maybe even you can’t.
  • They will likely also add fresh energy and business opportunities to the group.
  • They may be able to pass referrals to other members of the chapter or be keen to use their services.
  • They may even consider joining the chapter themselves once they see how successful it is.

VCP, Visibility, Credibility and Profitability….
If you can’t attend and be visible yourself, you can increase your credibility by sending a fresh quality substitute to represent you instead of opting for an easier option.

Substitute Challenge

  • Think about or discuss, who would be the best substitute for a web developer, builder, plumber, insurance agent, real estate agent?
  • Once you have worked that out, take up the challenge to develop 3 personal substitutes that could substitute for you and you alone, so that you can always have someone available to help you.
  • Bring them as a guest with you to the meeting in advance of when you need them so they know where and what to expect on the day.

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