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Raise Your Energy and Attract the Abundance You Desire

by BNI New Zealand

Article contributed by Bonnie Moehle.

final-cover.JPG  Isn’t it funny how we believe that if we focus on what we don’t want that it will give us what we want? We all want prosperity, for example, and yet we walk around thinking, I’ll never have enough money. We’d like to have beautiful relationships, but then we tell our friends, all of the good ones are taken. What are we doing? We constantly think thoughts that oppose what we want, hoping it will bring us what we want. All that happens, though, is that our energy becomes low and we continue to get more of what we don’t want.

Why? Well, there are no idle thoughts. All thoughts create at some level. They create an energy, a feeling, a perception, a behavior, or an action that we choose to take. These in turn become an outcome, or what we call our reality. In addition, the Universe is very cooperative with giving us what we ask for. We’ve all heard, you reap what you sow or what you put out you will get back. Our thoughts send a message as to what we want and the Universe follows by bringing us the people and situations necessary to answer our requests.

Most of the time we don’t even realize that we’re making requests because we are unaware that our thoughts create our experiences… and we’re so unconscious of the things we think about. When all of our thinking is focused on what we don’t have or what we don’t want, we get more of what we don’t have and don’t want. However, if we focus on what we have, we get more of that as well. This is the Law of Attraction; like energy attracts like energy. When we are focused on the negatives, our energy becomes very low, and we attract into our lives people and situations that are also low energy. When we are focused on the positives, our energy is high and we attract more of the things that vibrate at high energy: peace, prosperity, and love.

Raise your energy so that you can begin attracting more of what you want into your life. Start by being grateful! Make a gratitude journal or create family time to sit and talk about what you are grateful for each day. Before you get out of bed in the morning or as you lay down to sleep, point out to yourself all that you have. This will raise your energy.

Hold yourself in that energy, in the feeling that it gives you. Catch yourself thinking about what you don’t want and STOP! Instead put your attention on what you do want. See it as if it is already here. Use your imagination and pretend that you already have it. Feel how it feels. Notice how your energy becomes lighter and sit in that feeling. Make this part of your daily routine. Then observe how your life begins to change.

Excerpt from the book by Bonnie Moehle – Thoughts From Within: A Guide to Inner Peace in a Crazy World. Listen to a radio interview with Bonnie at: www.findingyourdiamond.com

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Arkdy Unger 25 March 2008 - 11:31 am

I happened to learn about Law of Attraction some time ago.
Please note – I am not an easy believer! There are too many theories, methodololgies and approaches around to adopt every new one.
What I like about the Law of Attraction – it is harmless. There is nothing wrong in thinking positive, focusing on good thing that you really like and there is NO ideology behind. And it feels good as well! Conservatively I think that any person in business should follow the rules of attraction – in order to grow the business. ln March 08 I was at he seminar of Michael Loisier – great inspirational and PRACTICAL meeting. Michael gives you very simple “How To” to start using the Law of Attraction every day.
One thought of caution. We are responsible what we attract and this is an ethical issue with possible consequences. So be positive – and attract what is good for you and for the Universe..

Graham Southwell 25 March 2008 - 4:10 pm

Thanks Arkdy,
You may care to check out the upcoming movie – The Time is Now – which features the Chairman and Founder of BNI – Dr Ivan Misner. You can view a trailer for the movie and listen to a sample of the soundtrack on this blog 🙂

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