Home Be Inspired Merry Christmas from BNI & a thought on Gr-attitude

Merry Christmas from BNI & a thought on Gr-attitude

by BNI New Zealand

untitledWith Christmas almost upon us, it’s a good time to express thanks for all the hard work that members have put in this year. We want to thank everyone firstly for sharing their stories of success in 2015. It’s been tremendous to hear a lot more of these this year.

We understand that our members are extremely hard working in their businesses so it’s fantastic to see people going above and beyond to really contribute and participate in their chapters. This enriches our organisation and benefits both individual members and the wider community.

Your 60 seconds

How about today for your 60 seconds sharing your thoughts of gratitude or a personal highlight for 2015. You may like to:

  • Give your business highlight for the year
  • Whats been a learning lesson for 2015.
  • Give a goal for 2016.
  • Whats your best tip for managing the holidays – food, drinking, relaxing…?

(Gr)attitude in 2016

BNI members tend to have a great attitude – even when times are tough. Giving back is a key part of our organisation and it’s been wonderful to see so much charitable giving coming out of chapters in 2015.

Keep this positivity going in 2016 by being mindful of your attitude and maintaining the gratitude that has defined our organisation this year.

Merry Christmas, Graham


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