Home » Keeping those networking New Year’s resolutions

Keeping those networking New Year’s resolutions

by BNI New Zealand

Welcome back – we all know how easy it is to let our New Year’s resolutions slide as we move further into the year. This goes for resolutions relating to both home and work. When it comes to networking, there are a number of resolutions many of us should make and keep. Remember that resolutions are not wishes… they are actions which we should stick to throughout the year. Planning how you will stick to a resolution will help you stay on track with it.

Consider making and keeping these three networking resolutions in 2014:

1. Follow up

Make a resolution to follow up more intently on your referrals and leads. It’s easy to let opportunities slip, to forget to email someone back or fail to follow up correctly. Whether following up on new contacts, old friends or on promises made, you can make a huge impression and strengthen your network considerably simply by seeing things through. If someone offers you a referral this year make sure you follow up. If it’s not an introduction you want, communicate that clearly but politely. Even offer to pass it onto someone more appropriate. If it is, make both yourself and your champion look good by responding promptly.

2. Think about your contacts

If you meet someone new in 2014 and want to build a relationship with them, follow up and arrange to see them again. You can’t rely just on that first meeting to establish a long-term bond. Take a look at your contact book. Who didn’t you see or speak to in 2013 that you should re-establish your relationship with? Pick up the phone and arrange to meet.

3. Beef up your business network

Unless you are actively networking you are selling your business short. Networking not only helps your business to grow but can boost your confidence and business knowledge. Remember to take advantage of online business associations and networks and always carry business cards or product/service information in case you meet someone interested in your business.

Why should you proactively network for business in 2014?

Business is all about making the right connections and getting the word out about your company, services, and products. Advertising and marketing campaigns are only one part of the success equation, to really make a splash in the business world you need to build a solid network. Make a resolution to network more assertively in 2014 and create a plan to follow up on this resolution – you won’t regret it.

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