Helping provide networking opportunities for young entrepreneurs – focus for Regional Director Consultant appointed to support business groups in Manawatu-Wanganui, Taranaki, Hawke’s Bay, Nelson, Marlborough and Wairarapa regions
NEW ZEALAND, Thursday October, 2017, – BNI NZ, the country’s largest business networking organisation for SMBs, has appointed Niki Gunning to the role of Regional Director Consultant for the Manawatu-Wanganui, Taranaki, Hawke’s Bay, Nelson, Marlborough and Wairarapa regions.

Niki Gunning, BNI Regional Director Consultant for the Manawatu-Wanganui, Taranaki, Hawke’s Bay, Nelson, Marlborough and Wairarapa regions.
The business groups in each region along with the total number of members are, for the Manawatu-Wanganui region 3 business groups with 72 members, Taranaki 3 business groups with 58 members, Hawke’s Bay 4 business groups with 102 members, Nelson 3 business groups with 47 members, Marlborough 1 business group with 27 members and Wairarapa 1 business group with 21 members. In 2016 these groups collectively generated $8,630,351 in business.
Niki’s role will be to support BNI Director Consultants in the regions, as well as focus on improving the overall member experience in ways including: systemising the content and delivery of training, encouraging recognition and accountability, improving retention and helping to grow the business groups.
“Outstanding business is done by BNI groups and an additional focus I have is to make BNI more accessible to upcoming young entrepreneurs. They get networking and social media, but need more opportunities to have face-to-face conversations with other business people in their community. BNI provides the perfect forum for them to connect with experienced and diverse business people and these younger entrepreneurs bring innovation and energy into the groups, which combined, leads to greater benefits of increased business for all.”
According to BNI New Zealand’s National Director, Graham Southwell, Niki has the perfect skillset to support BNI Director Consultants in her regions. “Since 2007 Niki has been a highly successful member and leader as part of BNI. Her expertise in coaching, support and mentoring will help our organisation going forward in these regions.”
Niki has a background as a teacher and university lecturer and for the last 12 years has been a personal coach. She holds various qualifications, including London’s Coaching Success Certification Course and a Bachelor of Education and Diploma of Teaching,
1. Niki Gunning as BNI NZ Regional Director Consultant will support business networking groups with collectively over 327 number of businesses, that in 2016 generated over $8,630,351 in revenue.
2. Niki sees BNI NZ as the ideal ground for young entrepreneurs and experienced business people to collaborate and strengthen their businesses via networking.
3. Niki’s top networking tips for young entrepreneurs are to engage in more face-to-face conversations with other business people, and take a structured approach to networking to see revenue increases and business growth.
About BNI
BNI New Zealand, established in 1999, is the country’s largest structured business networking organisation for small to medium businesses. With over 2600 members and 112 groups around the country, members are on target to exceed $100 million this year.
As a business community, BNI helps create business opportunities through a structured system of referrals and reciprocity, based on trust and giving. Business owners from all types of industries (only one trade representative per group) meet weekly. They build sustainable relationships with other businesses, develop new networks and take BNI’s underlying philosophy of ‘Givers Gain’ to grow their businesses.
Media contacts
Niki Gunning, Regional Director Consultant BNI – Manawatu-Wanganui, Taranaki, Hawke’s Bay, Nelson, Marlborough and Wairarapa, 027 482 3817,
Graham Southwell, National Director, BNI NZ, 021 606 146,
Nimita Morarji, Serum, 021 950 058,