Home Be Inspired Have you ever taken a moment to think about the BNI core value Lifelong Learning?

Have you ever taken a moment to think about the BNI core value Lifelong Learning?

by BNI New Zealand

Article contributed by Mariska Mannes.

Have you ever taken a moment to think about the BNI core value Lifelong Learning?

Lifelong learning

One of our Director Consultant’s, Mariska Mannes, has and even after 10 years she still learns so much from members. She reckons it’s a matter of listening and being curious. She always reminds her members that just because they’ve had a 1-2-1 with a member it shouldn’t stop there. We live in such a fast-changing world, our businesses change, our lives change, our networks and connections change.

She believes if we’re living the life-long learning value we would continually meet our fellow colleagues outside of the BNI meeting. How can I help you if I don’t know what’s changed in your business and life?

Of course, another way to live this value is to upskill. Today this is easily done through the BNI U(niversity). As well as many great networking modules you have access to many business modules from around the world – go in and have a peek www.bniuniversity.com.

Talking about university Mariska’s taking that the extreme and about to embark on a journey towards a PhD, now that’s a long road!  What’s she’s found however, is that some research is a bit outdated and why should we use outdated information to be the best we can today.  As part of her application she is researching Communication and Culture in the Workplace in New Zealand, specifically looking at our communication styles and distribution of power in the workplace.

She’s trying to reach 1000 NZers if you want to help Mariska with her journey click here for the survey https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/9K3FXBB it will take approx. 10 mins and is totally anonymous.

This reminds her of another BNI value, that of, Building Relationships. She knows that because of the relationships she has built in BNI over the years she’s going to have lots of support and encouragement when things get a bit much.

What are you doing to live our core values? Dr Ivan Misner describes each of these in bite sized videos on BNI U. Make time, login in, listen and reflect – what are you doing to live them, and what more could you do?

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