Home Be Inspired Going, going gone! Boost your business and give back with an auction

Going, going gone! Boost your business and give back with an auction

by BNI New Zealand

Auctions are always in the news now with the surge in house property prices. There’s nothing like the excitement of the live auction, people bidding back and forth and prices often reaching a higher level than expected (or not – that’s the thrill of an auction).

Charity auctions are also becoming more common as it’s a great way to make some money for a good cause and also pick up an interesting item. Charity auctions are also fun – especially when you have a lively group of bidders.

One chapter that has recently run a charity auction and raised a phenomenal amount of money for a good cause is BNI Parnell. This Auckland chapter raised $5,000 for Totara Hospice through an auction of goods and services from their membership.

So how did they do it?

The charity auction took a little bit of organising, but went like clockwork on the day. Bruce Hughson, President of BNI Parnell, gives 3 key points for smoothly running an auction while still doing your usual networking in a weekly meeting.

  1. Organise all the items before the meeting. Get members to donate goods and services from their businesses (where possible). Draw up a list of these and circulate it to members so they know what they are bidding on (and the value of these items) before the meeting.
  2. To help find time for the auction at the end of the meeting, cut members’ 60 seconds to 45 seconds. Remember this is a one off and 45 seconds is enough to get your key points across to your membership. Brevity can lead to a really focused presentation for members.
  3. Find an auctioneer who can really sell your items. Bruce says they were very fortunate to have a member who is a Real Estate agent who really promoted their goods and services during the auction. Many of your chapters will have an agent or someone experienced in holding auctions.

This final point emphasises the value of the auction to the businesses in your chapter. Members are able to have their goods and services described and promoted during the auction. Also, for those in the meeting who win items, it’s a great chance to experience your chapter members’ service offerings. If members enjoy the products and services you offer, you’ll enjoy more referrals and excellent feedback.

Charity auctions are a great way to experience BNI’s philosophy of Givers Gain while also getting the word out about your business in an innovative way. Why not try one this year at your weekly meeting?

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