Home » Friends of Tibet

Friends of Tibet

by BNI New Zealand

potala.jpg  I was asked yesterday why I have a “Friends of Tibet” sticker on my car – and how much I really know about Tibet and what is going on there.  The truth is that I have only a very limited knowledge of the political situation and have never visited Tibet.  Also, after 9 years of running BNI I am very aware that there are always at least two sides to any story!

That said, I am very impressed by the position that the Dhalia Lama is taking regarding the future for Tibet and note that he is not looking for separation from China.  I have read a number of his books and attended a lecture he gave whilst in Auckland last year and believe that he is a person who commands huge respect.  Accordingly, I am adding my support to the plea to China to exercise restraint and respect human rights in Tibet, and to open a dialogue with the Dalai Lama.

If anyone would like to join me – I attach a link to the website:

Link to Website

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Wilma Ham 4 June 2008 - 6:20 pm

Graham, that is a fantastic example of giver’s gain and I will follow your lead to the website and do my bit too.
Thank you for taking a stand for Tibet and sharing this with us. Wilma

Trevor Best 10 June 2008 - 4:25 pm

Well done. Yes, there are two sides to this story. In much the same way as the English claimed there were two sides to the Irish dilemma and the French did the same in Algeria. However, having been to Tibet 18 months ago, a more apt cliche for the Chinese approach to Tibet would be… “when in a hole stop digging”. Cheers

Graham Southwell 11 June 2008 - 11:12 am

Love it – thanks Trevor!

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