Home Be Inspired Five Tips for a Top 60 second Business Pitch

Five Tips for a Top 60 second Business Pitch

by BNI New Zealand

One of the questions we get most frequently at BNI NZ is: “What’s the best way to present my 60 second presentation?”


The formula for the 60 second infomercial or sales managers minute has not changed over the years, but the delivery has. It’s 2016 and we’re all used to short, sharp messaging in social media and advertising campaigns. Your 60 second presentation needs to be on point. Remember these 3 points:

  • It is one of the most important business pitches you will deliver each week.
  • The audience is different every week, so your 60 seconds should be too.
  • The most successful 60 second presentations connect personally with members.

So what should you say? Follow these five points:

  1. Develop a better tagline for your business that you use every week to introduce yourself. It needs to be strong, sharp and descriptive. Spend time developing and refining your tagline. It’s crucial that people are able to quickly understand what you are offering and that it is memorable.
  2. Perhaps begin with a headliner that surprises or engages members and gets them thinking. It could be a question or controversial statement. It needs to grip your members and motivate them to listen to you (especially if it’s an early morning).
  3. Once members are engaged, become your business’s storyteller. Connect emotionally by using humour or tragedy (think about a client that faced a serious challenge and how you helped them). By connecting with members this way, they hear how you can assist them or their contacts with your business. Put them in the shoes of one of your clients.
  4. Don’t get complacent – vary your 60 second presentation each week. Talk about a different accomplishment or success you have had working with a client. Reference industries which are represented by chapter members – to make it more relevant to them. Tailor your presentation to what’s topical in the news and make it recent.
  5. End with who you want to do business with – and be specific. Always get specific and descriptive about your ideal client. Include the reason “why” if you have time. Let people know who your ideal referral is or say “I am looking to get in contact with…”, after all at BNI you can be direct about who you want to do business with.

The NUMBER 1 THING TO REMEMBER is you can’t go into a 60 second presentation unprepared – it really shows. Would you go into an important business meeting or pitch without preparing? Take the opportunity that’s offered to you and use these 5 tips to present your best ever 60 second presentation going forward.

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