Home Be Inspired Do You Accept Second Best?

Do You Accept Second Best?

by BNI New Zealand

Article contributed by Clive Murphy.

It has become obvious to me that most people are happy to accept second best. They are happy to accept what they have as either being normal or OK.

Outside of work, I often meet with someone who complains about their life or whinges about the things that are going wrong. They tell me how bad their relationship is with their partner, how things are financially tough, how they are unhappy and there is nothing to live for.

When I offer possible solutions, they reply “I couldn’t do that” or “It can’t be that easy” or “That’s not for me”.

I suggest they consult with a professional to learn new ways of dealing with their problem. They reply “I’m not paying anyone to sort my problems out”.

Three months later I will meet them at another function. When asked how things are going, they reply “Same old same old. Nothing has changed”.

“Have you changed the way you do things?”


“Did you read the book I suggested?”


“Did you see the professional person I recommended?”


Hmm. I wonder why nothing has changed!

Do you know anyone who continues to complain and whinge about their current state and fails to do anything about it?

It’s almost like these people love having the problem. It gives them something to complain about. They obviously feel happy being the victim.

As the saying goes: Keep doing what you are doing and you will continue to get what you’ve got”.

If you are not happy with some aspect of your business or life, change it.

If you are not sure how to do that, ask someone, seek help, read a book or attend a seminar. Do something. Anything.

As Dr Phil often says:

“the difference between winners and losers is
winners are prepared to do things losers aren’t”.

They are prepared to go that extra mile. They are prepared to do what it takes.

How keen are you to change what needs changing so you can achieve your best in all areas of your life?

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Diana 28 March 2008 - 12:32 pm

Oh how true. I run into these people quite often. And I might add am slightly guilty of this in one particular area of our business…….better pick up my effort!

Thanks for this article.


Eddie Higginson 30 March 2008 - 9:49 am

Hmm. That article required a quick look in the mirror – somewhat guilty, I say!

Thanks for the reality check. Ed.

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