Home Be Inspired BNI Quiz inspired by and borrowed from Chantelle Buysers-Dean of BNI Tauranga Moana

BNI Quiz inspired by and borrowed from Chantelle Buysers-Dean of BNI Tauranga Moana

by BNI New Zealand

This week’s education moment is inspired by and borrowed from Chantelle Buysers-Dean from BNI Tauranga Moana in the Bay of Plenty where she has been the Education Co-Ordinator for the last 12 months. She has cleverly lifted key points from the last 6 months education moments and turned them into a revision quiz.

Take paper and pens if you are meeting in person. Have some novelty prizes for the top scorers. Each slide includes the question and the answer so you can all mark your answers as you go. Educators the answer will arrive on your second click, so don’t click too quick!


  1. During the Referrals and Testimonials section of the meeting, what are the three topics we talk about in the order of priority?
  2. What are 3 things you can do to help you receive referrals?
  3. Who do you need to notify if at short notice you are going to miss a meeting.
  4. Apart from being potential members, what are two benefits we might experience through having visitors at our meetings?
  5. What strategy can we use to invite people who are “too busy” to our meeting?
  6. When recording Thank You For Closed Business (TYFCB) in the App, what is the difference between: Inside/Internal, Outside/External and Tier 3/Spin Off?
  7. What are 3 reasons to be on time for our meeting? (on time is 15 mins before the formal part of the meeting starts)
  8. How many absences are allowed in a rolling 6-month period?
  9. What is the difference between a single referral and a referral to a referral source?


  1. A. Referrals given, B. Testimonials for other members, C. 1-2-1 Recaps (ideally with a teaching moment)
    Score 1 point for each right answer and a bonus point for the right order.
  2. 1-2-1s (with an agenda and follow up)
    Prepare your weekly presentation (sales pitch) including a specific referral request 
    Invite visitors
    Be a good member of the leadership team
    Give referrals 
    Follow up on referrals 
    Record TYFCB 
    Answer (score 1 for each answer, maximum of 3pts).
  3. The Vice President
    Score 1 point.
  4. They can use our businesses (become clients)
    They bring energy and focus
    They may refer you to others
    They might already be clients and give us a testimonial
    Score 1 point for each answer, maximum of 2 pts.
  5. Ask them if they want a better business and personal growth.
    2 points for this one as it is a key point.
  6. Inside/internal = A member or their business using our business.
    Outside/External = A referral to a member’s friends, family, employer, colleague, client, contact etc.
    Tier 3/Spin off = A referral that results from an externally referred party as above.
    1 point for each correct answer.
  7. Meet visitors
    Parking is easier
    Get your coffee order in first
    Let the meeting build around you
    Less traffic
    It shows you value other people’s time
    Score 1 point for each, max 3 and a bonus of 1 for all 3.
  8. Three absences per rolling 6 months
    No score for getting it right, -1 for getting it wrong!
  9. Single referral  = A person that needs your service once
    Referral source = Someone who can give you regular referrals
    A referral to a referral source is better! 
    Trick question. 1 for each answer.

Add Up Your Points

20-23   Congrats you’ve won the job of being the next Education Coordinator

16-19   You are mostly awake by the start of the meeting

12-15   Maybe its my fault or yours…..

11-0  It’s you, not me!

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