Home Be Inspired BNI Albany raises funds for Hospice North Shore

BNI Albany raises funds for Hospice North Shore

by BNI New Zealand

We recently presented Hospice North Shore with a cheque for $1,500. The cheque presentation took place at a special breakfast meeting where about 15 of our members were taken through Hospice North Shore.

The experience was an eye-opener for some members who weren’t aware of all the important work hospice does in the community. We raised the money through a ‘Joker Poker’ jackpot held at meetings. Everybody contributes a small amount each week to a pot and then one lucky person (drawn from referral slips that week) gets to take a card out of a deck – if it’s the joker they win half the jackpot total with the other half going to hospice.

Our members also brought ingredients like flour, sugar and baking powder to the hospice because they said they could use these ingredients to do some baking for treats. All and all it was a great experience with members gaining a deeper understanding of hospice and the services provided to patients and their families from the Auckland community.

Sheree Porter, Residential Property Manager with Bayleys in Takapuna and President for BNI Albany


BNI Albany members with Carol Herbert from Hospice North Shore (holding the cheque)

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