Home Be Inspired Be brave with your networking

Be brave with your networking

by BNI New Zealand

This year at BNI we’ve discussed some of the changes that we’ve seen in networking here in New Zealand and around the world. Social media is part of this change as is being BRAVE when networking face-to-face and online. We’ve also emphasised that networking doesn’t just happen during meetings – the most important networking happens outside meetings during the week.

Whether you are on a plane or in line at the grocery store, the opportunity to network is there. The greatest skill required for successful networking is bravery. It is easy for us to go about our lives within our comfort zones. Those who have the greatest success with networking are those who are brave enough to make eye contact, say hello and strike up a conversation. This one simple trait can outweigh having great business cards, creating a business outreach list or even attending multiple events per week.

Without bravery, those things have less significance and only those who step up to the plate and take on the challenge of making the connection are the ones who successfully build their professional network. By belonging to BNI you are able to learn and develop. As time goes by, the braver we are, the easier it gets and we find ourselves willing and able to maximize any opportunity to network. We want to move out of our sector circle and engage people from across fields. Networks are a great resource for new business, perspective, feedback, job opportunities and much more. And, you never know where the next one of those will come from. There is an art form to networking, building a network and keeping it strong, but the very first step and the most important thing you need, is bravery. Without that, the likelihood of successful networking can be limited. BNI can help you to develop your bravery by creating a formal yet friendly atmosphere every week to test out your sales pitch and your requests for specific referrals or recommendations.

So the next time you are at the gym walking next to someone on the treadmill, BE BRAVE and strike up a conversation. You never know where it will lead. One member who has had success being brave is Steve Carpenter from BNI Hamilton Open and Founder of LeadSocial, which provides social media solutions – this is his brave business story.


Once upon a time before we had an office, I worked from coffee shops and a man walked in one day wearing a t-shirt for a local brewery which had recently started and had made some inroads to the market. They were top of the list for businesses I wanted to work with after starting my social media marketing agency.

I thought about introducing myself with the off chance he may be able to help, but before I could he finished his coffee, got up and walked out of the shop. Disappointed with myself, I thought that was a lost opportunity so I closed my laptop, left it on the table, and walked up to him on the street introducing myself and what I do. Unbeknownst to me he was the managing director and I caught him about to walk into a meeting with another company about social media marketing. This was a turning point for my business and our first big contract.

This is the sort of bravery you need to succeed in networking and with business. Be clear about who you would like to be introduced to at BNI – tell people during your 60 seconds, on social media and emails. If your fellow members know who you would like to meet; it will be easier for them to help you connect. Remember most networking occurs outside meetings and the best networkers are those who are brave here too.

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