Home » Audacity, Rich Schefren, constraints and life how it could be:

Audacity, Rich Schefren, constraints and life how it could be:

by Wilma Ham

lost-cubicle.jpg  Mostly society has seen audacity as behavior outside the norm and considered it bad.  You just have to look at how children who still act with audacity are getting treated, to know that boldness is not condoned by society.

So all that teaching of good manners has resulted in lots of limiting constraints and Skellie does a good job of listing some of them;

Don’t ask for more than is offered to you
Don’t try to talk with people who are better known or higher status than you are
Don’t admit failings and mistakes
Don’t celebrate success publicly
Don’t try things that could fail badly
Don’t change your mind once it has been made up
Don’t give up, no matter whether circumstances and goals change
Don’t question what everybody else does
Don’t ask others for help (just think about how often we begin such a request with a pre-emptive apology)
Read the Entire article

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Heather Douglas 1 October 2008 - 5:02 pm

I couldn’t agree more – the one I notice the most is “don’t do better than anyone else”, and that applies to business too. Call it the tall poppy syndrome, or whatever else you like. One of the reasons New Zealand’s small businesses stay small is that they are held back by the inhibitions of their owners. It’s not the only reason by far, but while we pay lip service to encouraging growth that’s often not the case. Well said, Wilma!

Wilma Ham 2 October 2008 - 9:34 am

Thank you Heather, isn’t it interesting how ‘don’t do better than anyone else’ has slipped into most of our consciousness and what for?
The better others do, the more we can also do better, how wonderful is that?
It will take a lot of reconditioning before we can really see, understand and act from it.
However it seems you are not falling for it and lucky for people around you.
Thanks for your comment, Heather,

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