Why Should We Set Goals? • Goals give you long term vision. • They give you short term motivation. • Goals give you focus. • They give you a target …
BNI New Zealand
BNI New Zealand
Thank you for visiting our Blog. I launched the first chapters of BNI in NZ in March 1999 and have been running BNI on a full time basis since that time. We currently have 130 chapters and approximately 2,800 members. Please feel free to submit comments and let us know how we can provide you with what you are looking for in a Blog.
Santa is the Ultimate Giver, but he only comes once a year – Who has been Santa all year in our chapter? Let’s take a moment to recognise members that …
Hands up, who has ever had a referral that; 1. Wasn’t what you were looking for?2. Was for someone you had difficulty contacting?3. Was to someone that wasn’t expecting a …
Buy Local – Buy BNI
How much TYFCB can we record by the end of the Year? BNI recognises chapters that record multiples of millions of dollars in a calendar year. There is a real …
Ken Blanchard, renowned management guru and author of The One Minute Manager amongst 60 other books, is credited with saying that feedback is The Breakfast of Champions. Ken himself, perhaps …
Quick recap – The ABC and D of WHO to invite We covered the ABC and D of WHO to invite last week. Invite on A = Attitude, B = …
The ABC (and D) of who to invite A = Attitude If you are thinking of inviting someone to our meeting, the first and almost the only consideration is the potential visitor’s attitude. …
Learn more to Earn more Question: Who here believes that the more we learn in our profession and business life and put into practice the more we earn? Question: Who …
One to Ones – Referral generators or a cup of coffee and a catch-up? In BNI we believe that One to Ones are necessary to build credibility and to generate …