Online business meetings just might be part the “new normal”. Even after lockdown ends and BNI resumes face to face meetings there is no doubt that online meetings will continue to be used extensively for business meetings and BNI 1-2-1’s as they do have some obvious advantages.
As our experience with online meetings grows, we also learn valuable lessons along the way. There are rumours of some students taking screenshots of themselves in their online classroom meeting and then making these into their virtual background, so they can leave but look like they are in attendance. Is this tech savvy or just sneaky? This week, we look at some do’s and don’ts for online business meetings
Online Meeting Etiquette
When you meet someone or attend a meeting physically, credibility is enhanced or diminished depending how you behave compared to expected, often unwritten etiquette. In BNI however we have clear expectations of behaviour in meetings.
With the newness of online meetings, the expectations of behaviour haven’t really had a chance to become apparent but since your behaviour will still enhance or diminish your credibility, this week we are going to look at the etiquette of online meetings
The Golden Rule
The golden rule is that whatever the social norms of meeting face to face were, they still apply online. *The only exceptions would be body odour and smelly farts.
*Disclaimer, you can adjust the examples if needed!
Online meeting etiquette best practices
General tips
• Be on time or early. Be waiting at the virtual door to be let in rather than arriving late and interrupting the meeting.
• If you can, shut the door to the room you are in.
• Make sure your online name is appropriate.
• You wouldn’t snack at the meeting if it was face to face, try not to do so online.
• Keep pets, children and family members out of the meeting, if necessary, you can create an extra room in your house by using your car.
• Dress like you were going to a face to face meeting, at least wear clothes!
• Stay seated at your camera and be present.
• Silence your phone.
• Protect your sensitive information, on your screen and in the room, you are calling from.
• Ask permission if you want to record the meeting.
• Appropriate humour is still crucial but the usual conventions about what is said still apply
• If you are the organiser, set a time expectation for the meeting and have an agenda. Remember to allow breaks.

Techy tips
• If you haven’t used the online platform before, be especially sure to turn up early to test the technology.
• Use a headset if your computer microphone and speakers are substandard.
• Set up a good background that looks business like or use a virtual background, especially one that is designed especially for your business. Calling from your bed is not deemed appropriate.
• Stay muted as much as possible to minimise background noise.
• If everyone is using video, be courteous and do the same if you can.
Online meetings can seem more relaxed but remember the golden rule, behave as you would have if you were meeting the same people face to face. Be conscious to enhance your visibility and credibility at all times.
1 comment
Thank you Richard for your blog. I trust you won’t mind that I have used it as the basis of an education slot for my BNI chapter (Wensum in the UK) earlier today. Regards, Phil Brown
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