When does the BNI meeting actually start?
The answer is the BNI meeting starts 15 mins BEFORE the President calls for everyone to sit down to start the structured part of the meeting.
Why is this? This is the initial open networking section of the meeting. It’s when we can talk with our fellow members and especially visitors informally, to ask questions, arrange one to ones and talk about progress with referrals etc.

When is a member officially late for BNI?
It could be argued it is when open networking starts but officially it’s when the President stands to start the formal part of the meeting.
This is when the VP will take note and record any member arriving after this time as officially LATE.
What does officially being recorded as late mean?
On the PALMS report this shows up in the L column. It means if you are late you are not recorded as being present.
On the CATS report, each time you are recorded as Present you score 1 point, if you are late you score 0 and if you are absent 2 points are subtracted.
Why is being on time important?
Occasionally life happens and being late is unavoidable.
But, when we are late more often than not, it speaks to our {lack of} professionalism, organisation and respect for other’s time.
Will I refer my customers, friends and family members to a member who is often late knowing that they probably treat any referrals they get in the same way?
Probably not, because it may reflect on me as the referrer!
Being on time is important for your visibility and credibility. It shows you care about others and value their time. Being unavoidably late once in a while happens to everyone but if you are habitually late think about the impact not only on your chapter but elsewhere in your life.
If you are someone that is more often late than on time, think about why that happens and what you can do to change it. Leave earlier, don’t do that one last thing, aim to be 10 minutes early instead of five minutes late. This gives you some “wriggle room” for things to go wrong. If you are going somewhere new, check out where to park before you leave. Lastly, people that arrive late always seems flustered and stressed whereas people that arrive early always seem organised and relaxed. Maybe changing to being early instead of late while change your whole outlook on life!