With the launch of BNI New Zealand Social Networking site now just a few days away – this seems like a very timely posting for the blog:
With the launch of BNI New Zealand Social Networking site now just a few days away – this seems like a very timely posting for the blog:
Thank you for visiting our Blog. I launched the first chapters of BNI in NZ in March 1999 and have been running BNI on a full time basis since that time. We currently have 130 chapters and approximately 2,800 members. Please feel free to submit comments and let us know how we can provide you with what you are looking for in a Blog.
Very appropriate Graham.
We are in the connection age!
Excellent video Graham.
I’ve started running basic social media training workshops in BNI Northumbria (England) for our members who want to get involved but haven’t a clue what to do. At this stage we’re concentrating on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and teaching them to use tools such as Tweet Deck to manage everything from one location.
I’m following that up, with those who are interested in using LinkedIn to benefit their chapters by finding potential new members and referrals. Some of our more technologically adept members are then helping their BNI colleagues to plan and implement social media strategies.
Social media will never replace word of mouth, personal referral but it would be a true Luddite who would ignore it’s presence and influence.
Keep up the good work – your BNI NZ site is the best I know of and if you know of others anywhere near as good, please let me know.
Warmest regards from your BNI friends on the opposite side of the Globe.
Malcolm Kyle
Director Team
BNI Northumbria
I dont have your email address – however if Social Media is your thing I would like to invite you to take a look at our brand new Social Networking site. If you email me your details: graham@bni.co.nz – I will send you the login details.
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