We’re All Going On A Summer Holiday
Who is old enough to remember Cliff Richard’s classic hit “Summer Holiday”? Wow, you are old!
He sang “We are all going on a summer holiday, not more working or BNI for a week or two”
Hopefully, we all get a chance to have a break, rest and rejuvenate from what has been, even if successful, a uniquely challenging year.
We will all be out of our normal routines and in different locations, meeting different people, doing different things in much more social situations. Should BNI and our fellow members be totally out of our mind over this time?
Many people in social situations complain, brag, or talk about plans. We’ve all been stuck with these people at the BBQ, in fact we might even be prone to doing it ourselves. When we listen carefully to someone that is complaining, bragging, or making plans, we can help them by referring them to members who can assist with what they need.

What should we listen for?
1. Complaining
People often complain, sometimes they just want to vent but genuine complaining demands a solution. Here are some examples of complaints. Ask the chapter who they complainer could be referred to.
• My house is hot in summer.
• I must water my garden every day over summer.
• My house is getting too small to have my mother-in-law over to stay over the holidays.
• My car is too unreliable to go on a long trip.
• I’d like a holiday, but I don’t know how much tax I must pay.
Can you or the chapter think of other examples and who they might be referred to?
2. Bragging
We all like to boast and be proud of our achievements. Some a bit too much. When someone is bragging it can also offer an opportunity to help them. If you hear bragging like in these examples, who could you refer them to?
• My daughter has won a scholarship at a school out of our suburb.
• We’ve got so much business we need more staff.
• Our business has grown so much we need more space.
• Our business is making so much money I don’t know what to do with it all.
Can you or the chapter think of other examples and who they might be referred to?
People love to talk about their plans for next year over the summer break. Sometimes they are just sounding out their ideas but if they have genuine plans, it can be useful to them to know who can help them with their plans. Who in the chapter could help people with these plans?
•I’m planning to get heat pumps for home this year.
•I’m planning on retiring this year.
•I’m planning to move the business this year.
•I’m planning on working less next year.
•I’m moving to the country next year.
Can you or the chapter think of other examples and who they might be referred to?
Hearing people Complaining, Planning or Bragging always opens up referral opportunities to help them with their situation. The summer break puts us alongside people in social situations who will be likely to bring up these things in conversation. Imagine coming back to the first meeting of the year with a bunch of referrals or coming back to a bunch of referrals for others. All it takes is being a good listener.