Home BNI Events New Zealand Red Cross Appeal

New Zealand Red Cross Appeal

by BNI New Zealand

Many thanks to BNI members from New Zealand and around the world who participated in the Canterbury Earthquake Fund Raising Appeal. A particularly big ‘Thank You!’ also to Beth & Ivan Misner and the BNI Misner Foundation for the matching contribution that was put up for this appeal.

The 7.1 earthquake was a reminder of how vulnerable New Zealand is to natural disasters. The earthquake was of a similar magnitude to the quake in Haiti in January that claimed more that 200,000 lives and left the capital Port au Prince in ruins. Thankfully – across Canterbury the number of injuries were limited and the response from the emergency response teams, the Red Cross and local authorities, government departments and agencies like the Salvation Army and Civil Defence made a huge difference in terms of reducing the degree of human suffering.

Pictured below is James Araci – National Fundraising Manager for the New Zealand Red Cross and myself at the Red Cross National Office in Wellington earlier this week.


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James Araci 15 February 2011 - 8:36 am

On behalf of everyone at New Zealand Red Cross, many thanks to BNI members for such generous support of our Canterbury Earthquake Appeal.

Your donation is being used to provide support and assistance for people impacted by the Canterbury Earthquake. You can find out more about the support available here: http://www.redcross.org.nz/earthquakegrant

Kind regards,


Graham Southwell 15 February 2011 - 11:06 am

Thanks James, It was a pleasure to meet with you and good to know that BNI played a small part in the lives of those affected by the earthquake.

Elisabeth Misner 15 February 2011 - 5:50 pm

Ivan and I are so proud of members all over the world who have thrown their hats in the ring to help our neighbors in New Zealand rebuild their businesses and homes in the aftermath of the earthquake. The sooner these businesses get back on their feet, the better–for all of us!!

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