Home Better Business How do referrals and testimonials increase credibility at BNI?

How do referrals and testimonials increase credibility at BNI?

by BNI New Zealand

Last week we looked at the “WHY” of the Referrals & Testimonials section of the meeting:

  1. It helps build the “C”redibility of VCP for you and other members
  2. It is where we “give” to other members
  3. It is where business that has BEEN generated is passed
  4. It shows Visitors that the chapter generates business
  5. It’s Fun!

This week we are going to look at “How” you can use referrals and testimonials to increase credibility at BNI

To use your Referrals and Testimonial time effectively to help your own credibility and other members credibility CONSIDER:

  1. having planned what you are going to say,
  2. briefly talking about referrals you have already passed through the BNI Connect App,
  3. only talking about activity you have done … not what you are going to do,
  4. talking about what you have done for the group in the last week rather than saying “no referrals today”
  5. having one testimonial for one member and putting it into writing so that they can use it elsewhere.
  6. talking about a one to one you have had and by highlighting something of value you learned.
  7. thanking the speaker by mentioning insights you have gained from their presentation.

18-5-2018 5-34-59 PMThe Referrals and Testimonials section is about what you HAVE done for the chapter. Not what you are going to do. It’s not another opportunity to promote your own business. Stories are good but keep them to the point!

For more information on the “I Have” part of the meeting you may like to review these BNI Podcasts:

  1. https://www.bnipodcast.com/2018/03/28/episode-551-announcing-one-to-ones-during-referrals/
  2. https://www.bnipodcast.com/2009/06/24/episode-110-ask-for-written-testimonials/

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