Home BNI News BNI supports significant Charities Commission initiative

BNI supports significant Charities Commission initiative

by BNI New Zealand

Businesses taking part in a major research project — which included a significant contribution from BNI New Zealand — reported that they support charitable organisations because it improves staff morale, customer relationships and their communities.

The newly-released report on Engagement between Business and Community Organisations – in which 300 BNI member businesses participated – was commissioned by Internal Affairs, and Creative New Zealand.

The report provides recommendations and resources that are helpful for both community and business organisations, says the recently appointed General Manager of Internal Affairs for Charities, Brendon Ward.

More than 1,000 business organisations participated in the research, which has been released to a workshop of business, community and government participants in Wellington. The meeting brought together a range of organisations, including BNI, funders, local council, Iwi and national community organisations – all of whom are interested in supporting effective partnerships in New Zealand.

BNI National Director, Graham Southwell – who was invited to attend the launch function in Wellington – said the organisation had formed a significant partnership with Hospice since 2005 and had seen first hand the significant contribution SME’s can make towards charitable organisations.

“BNI New Zealand and its members have raised more than a half a million dollars for hospice over the last few years — not counting contributions of goods and services — and has also made a significant intellectual contribution through our extensive 2011 BNI Givers Gain survey, which surveyed more than 2,100 SMEs.

“The survey was done to assess just how much SME’s are doing for charity and we found that small businesses are making a significant contribution while just working away in the background.

“To be invited to participate in this project with the Charities Commission is recognition of the work we have done in this area,” he said. “We support business involvement with charities because we believe that by building strong communities we build strong businesses.”

Peter Dixon, National Advisor – Capability Charities Commission – thanked BNI for its significant contribution.

“Thanks very much for your support in getting the survey out to BNI. We ended up having a fantastic response from the network. I hope that the results will be of value to your members.”

Following the survey BNI Auckland Director Pam Martin attended a workshop on behalf of BNI, to review the findings and to work on some ideas about what can be done to make the findings useful and applicable.

Including BNI, more than 20 attendees from both community organisations and businesses were invited to attend.

Brendon Ward says the report has produced some valuable information about businesses’ levels of involvement and reasons for supporting charities. “For example 90 per cent of respondents reported that their business supports charities and that their support is either increasing or likely to remain constant. It also showed that more than one third of businesses surveyed want to find out how to better support community organisations.”

“And 26 percent of businesses also said that supporting charities improved staff morale and/or productivity.”

He says there is no doubt that there are immense benefits from developing strategic relationships between businesses and community organisations. Meanwhile, today’s meeting will assist in building and nurturing relationships between the business and charity sectors.

“The potential for businesses and not-for-profit organisations to work even more closely together is something we are keen to support. We hope this research will give organisations the encouragement and advice they need to build partnerships which are of benefit to them and their communities,” said Creative New Zealand Chief Executive Stephen Wainwright.

To read or download the report or any of the associated resources, go to www.charities.govt.nz or www.creativenz.govt.nz

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