An easier and shorter education this week but it addresses a minor issue that happens often in chapters. Sometimes we get rid of the issue for a while but then it slips back in eventually and then starts to happen regularly again as other members see the example and repeat it again. Thus we need to be vigilant and keep educating about the issue.
What’s the issue?
Often when I visit chapters, at some point, the Feature Presentation speaker is asked to present the door prize…. they look embarrassed and say, “I forgot, I’ll bring it next week…” OR “It’s a bottle of Wine – I’ll drop it off” OR …. “Its lunch with me this week – My Shout”. If they respond in this way, it detracts from their credibility as it seems they haven’t given the door prize much thought at all and may have even completely forgotten about it. They haven’t realised that its part of the Feature Presentation process and can add credibility to their presentation.
I think I’m personally still waiting for several bottles of promised wine and multiple lunches from door prizes over the years that never eventuated. I’m guessing at some point you or members of your chapter may have also experienced this?
Which begs the question, if the door prize is given so little credence, what is the point of it?
Before we start the education, you, as the Education Co-ordinator, have a big part to play to make sure the Feature Presentation speaker brings an appropriate door prize to the meeting.
First, each week, probably on Monday, ring them and remind them they are speaking. This has the added benefit of finding out early if they are prepared and showing up! Remind them to bring a door prize and if they can’t think of an appropriate door prize, help them choose one. Also, always announce what the door prize is before the raps and referrals section, it makes the door prize more visible and less of an afterthought.
Although it shouldn’t….. I’ve personally seen an amazing door prize get members reaching for the referral slips. Another thing to think about is how the door prize winner is selected. Usually it’s drawn from the members who have given referrals or brought along visitors to the meeting that week. These are activities we want to encourage.
You also need to know what an appropriate door prize is, and why, so read on…….. That is what this week’s Networking Education Moment is all about. Read on….
So, Why Should I Bring a Door Prize?
• The door prize is designed to give the winner a sample of the Feature Presentation speaker’s business.
• It’s a great follow up to the Feature Presentation/and can lead to a Testimonial or “Rap” a few weeks later.
• It adds to the Visibility and Credibility of the Feature Presentation speaker.
What makes a good door prize?
• It differs from business to business. For example, anyone selling time can give some of that time.
• Anyone selling a product can give a sample of product. This can lead to the recipient of the door prize using more of the service or product than the value of the door prize. For instance, an hour of accounting time can lead to much more.

What sort of things don’t make a great door prize?
• A bottle of wine doesn’t do anything to give greater understanding of the Feature Presentation speaker’s business. Worse, the winner may not drink alcohol or like the varietal on offer. Even worse, frequently the speaker hasn’t thought to bring the promised bottle with them and it never gets delivered.
• An offer of a lunch….. This is often not carried out and is really just a one to one where one member often picks up the tab anyway.
What is the right value for a door prize?
• It’s up to you as the Feature Presentation speaker. There is no minimum or maximum but something worth around $30-$60 is generally appropriate.
Something that is normally given away free also has no value as a door prize.
What if I can’t think of anything other than wine or lunch?
• Make a referral to another member for a voucher or product from their business – this way you get two for the price of one! You organise your door prize and you get to give a referral and receive TYFCB – It’s a win – win.
• The door prize is a great opportunity to promote your own business further – be sure to maximise your opportunity!
• Think about a Door Prize that adds value to your ten minutes by giving the winner and actual experience of your business.